GeoGroup Code of Ethics
GeoGroup and it’s companies is committed to the following Code of Ethics.
Wherever we operate we will:
Develop, implement and maintain management systems for health, safety and the environment that are consistent with internationally recognised standards which enable us to:
- Identify, assess and manage risks to employees, contractors and the environment.
- Strive to achieve leading industry practice.
- Meet and exceed applicable legal requirements.
- Set and achieve targets that include reducing and preventing pollution.
- Develop our people and provide resources to meet our targets.
- Support the fundamental human rights of employees and contractors.
- Respect the traditional rights of indigenous peoples.
- Care for the environment and value cultural heritage.
- Advise on the responsible use of our service.
Seek opportunities to share our success by:
- Developing partnerships that focus on creating sustainable value for everyone
- Building relationships based on honesty, openness, mutual trust and involvement, and share responsibility for meeting the requirements of this policy.
- We will be successful when we achieve our targets toward our goal of zero harm and are valued by the communities in which we work.
"Zero harm to the planet and people" - Dave Rossiter
Plot 28 Central Road
Sunrella, Lanseria
South Africa
Tel. +27 (0)11 966 7760